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Monday, April 26, 2010

Spring Gardening

Well, I am happy to say the gardens are finally completely planted. I'd like to say it took a few days but it really took 2-3 weeks. The flower bed, rock garden and vegetable garden combined were a much bigger job than I anticipated.

The flower bed and rock garden were actually fun. The boys helped me pull weeds and get everything cleaned up and planted. We finished those by working in the afternoon a few days in a row.

Now the vegetable garden is a whole different story.

Let me begin by taking you back to last year. I did the bare minimum to the front yard and focused on a vegetable garden in the back. It was my first attempt at a true veggie garden. I've grown tomato plants and herbs but not a real seed planted vegetable garden.

Everything started out great, my niece, two boys and I planted the seeds for 8 different vegetables and had a great time watching them begin to grow. However, it wasn't long before the zucchini plants grew so big, so fast they took over the garden. The huge zucchini plants produced huge zucchini too. I'm talking the largest zucchini I've ever seen! The only survivors were a couple of cucumber plants and one yellow squash plant. The cucumbers and squash only produced a few average size veggies before being overcome by the massive zucchini plants.

This is why I decided it was necessary to move the veggie garden to a new, larger area. My fear of a repeat zucchini attack, determination to grow more veggies and a bad case of spring fever made me oblivious to all the work I was creating for myself.

Don’t let anybody fool you, gardening is a real workout! I’m 5’3” so lifting 3 - 60 lb. bags of cedar mulch that look as big as me is not easy. The 20 bags of 40 lb. soil were no picnic in the park either. After a few trips carrying those suckers, I got creative. I’m sure I looked pretty funny using my ice chest with wheels to roll one bag of soil at a time to the backyard. The digging, bending and stooping are good exercise as well.

After all the hard work, I’m happy to say the gardens are planted and look great. Now all we can do is water, weed and watch it grow.

I’ll let you know if we have any monster plants try to take over the garden again. If we do, I hope the extra room gives the other veggies a better chance at surviving.

It was a big job but I think it will prove to be well worth it. I’m stronger and tanner for my efforts so far and hopefully my family will enjoy eating fresh, healthy veggies soon.

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